Ever wondered what the piano is similar to? It's not just a musical instrument; it's a world in itself. In this article, I'll delve into the fascinating similarities between the piano and some unexpected objects and concepts.

You might think it's like a harp on its side or a complex typewriter for music. But you'll be surprised at how its structure and function mirror things far beyond the realm of music. From architectural marvels to intricate ecosystems, the piano's resemblances are as diverse as they are intriguing.

The Piano and the Harp

Having set our eyes upon the grand structure of a piano, the first comparison that naturally comes to view is the harp. The piano and the harp share foundational similarities that remain unnoticed till we take a closer peek!

At the basic level both are string instruments. But it's not just about the fact that they're strung with wires, there’s more here that meets the eye. The technical workings of a piano bear a striking resemblance to those of a harp. The weighted keys of a piano, when pressed, come in contact with the strings causing them to vibrate and create sound— much like how the strings vibrate to produce sound when plucked on a harp. This points towards a deep-seated kinship between these two musical crafts.

Another level where the piano finds company with the harp lies in their visual aesthetics. The grandeur of a grand piano is well mirrored in the towering elegance of a concert harp. Their forms serve to evoke equal portions of respect and admiration among their audiences, adding a layer of intrigue to their performances. It is no coincidence then, that both instruments often take center stage in musical ensembles.

Let us turn our attention toward the melodious symphony both the piano and the harp are known to create. They are both versatile instruments, capable of producing a wide array of tones and notes that are central to the narrative of music. What's fascinating is how they marry their technical premises with their musical applications, harnessing their physical attributes to draw out the tunes and melodies that captivate our hearts.

Remember, the piano isn't just a musical instrument, it's a world within itself. As we continue to explore the connections and likenesses it shares with other forms and objects, we'll invariably glean more insight into its grandeur and inherent beauty— just like uncovering different layers of a complex ecosystem or an architectural marvel. Let's move forward to find more answers and deepen our understanding of this magnificent instrument.

The Piano and The Typewriter

One of the less likely comparisons that may spring to mind is the connection between the piano and the typewriter. This analogy might seem unusual at first, but let's unravel the similarities that tie these two intriguing objects together.

Typewriters, much like pianos, require the user's fingertips to come in contact with keys in a precise order to create an outcome. For the piano, that outcome is melody; for the typewriter, it's words formed into sentences and ultimately stories. This symbiotic relationship between fingers and keys is what binds these two seemingly disparate devices together.

A piano's keyboard, akin to that of a typewriter, features parallels in design and function that are impossible to ignore. Both keyboards are composed of adjacent keys with the potential to produce different notes or letters. The force or speed at which these keys are struck can affect the instrument's output, where a heavy stroke on a piano key denotes intense emotion or a capital letter on a typewriter.

The user's skill level and understanding of the instrument or machine also parallels. A novice at a piano might be able to pound out 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' just as a beginner typist might slowly hunt-and-peck until forming a sentence. Conversely, when a master pianist plays a Chopin nocturne, or a seasoned writer hammers out a riveting story, the beauty, complexity, and emotion conveyed are beyond words.

So, in essence, pianos and typewriters are both instruments that transform simple key strokes into something far greater; whether that's a moving piece of music, or a compelling narrative. They each exhibit a unique blend of artistry and mechanics that we can admire and appreciate.

The humble typewriter and the grand piano – both have deeper connections and similarities than what meets the eye, encouraging us to further explore the intersections between everyday objects and musical instruments. From structure to function, from physical use to emotional output, the piano and the typewriter unassumingly mirror each other in fascinating ways.

The Piano and Architectural Marvels

In analyzing other noteworthy comparisons, I've found the piano shares a unique kinship with architectural marvels found all over the world. Now you might be wondering, How does a piano relate to towering structures or beautifully designed buildings? I promise you'll understand once we delve a bit deeper.

When you think about it, architecture and music - the kind brought to life on a piano - share a common foundational element - harmony. Without harmony, buildings wouldn't stand and music would fail to capture our hearts.

Architects plan their masterpieces with precision, paying close attention to every minute detail. Similarly, a pianist touches each note with an intention, creating a delicate balance between different sounds. The pianist’s accomplishment is not just in playing the right notes, but also in maintaining the right rhythm, kind of like how an architect would focus on symmetry and proportions in a structure.

Skyscrapers mirror the grandeur of the grand piano, both evoking a sense of awe and wonder. The solid base of a skyscraper is akin to the structure of the piano’s soundboard– both providing the support and resonance needed to ensure stability and clear output.

The comparison between building designs and piano composition isn't just metaphorical. In fact, the Golden Ratio – often found in well-designed architectural works – is also present in piano compositions. This mathematical proportion gives both buildings and music a sense of aesthetic and balance.

Just like a pianist strikes the right keys in a sequence to get a harmonious output, an architect puts together the right elements to build a structure that’s nothing less than a masterpiece.

I hope this comparison helps you appreciate both the piano and the world of architecture in a new light. It's one of the many ways pianos are more than just instruments, they are an embodiment of creativity and precision, like many other aspects of life.

The Piano and Intricate Ecosystems

Imagine standing in the heart of a thriving, vibrant rainforest. You'd be surrounded by an intricate ecosystem, wouldn't you? Every organism, from the tiny insects to towering trees, playing a vital role in maintaining balance. This harmony of interactions and interdependencies often reminds me of the dynamic relationship between the intricate components of a piano.

At first glance, a forest and a piano might seem unrelated. However, dive deeper, and you'll spot striking similarities. Both display a complex network, perfectly synchronized to operate in harmony. Just as every organism in a rainforest plays its part, every key and string within a piano has a precise purpose.

What's most uncanny is how the health of an ecosystem mirrors the sound quality of a piano. In an ecosystem, the disappearance of a single species can tilt the balance. Similarly, a single faulty key can disrupt an entire piano performance. This delicate balance, this careful maintenance of all elements, underscores the most surprising similarity between a piano and an intricate ecosystem.

Moreover, the biodiversity within a rainforest is comparable to the richness of sound a piano can produce. With its varied keys and strings, a piano can generate an array of sounds, just as a rainforest can house an array of species. In a rainforest, every species performs a different role, contributing to the overall biodiversity. Similarly, every note on a piano offers a different tone, contributing to the musical biodiversity of a composition.

Consider this: when we protect our ecosystems, we ensure the survival and thriving of the myriad species they contain. The same logic applies to a piano. Regular maintenance, or 'piano care', ensures that each key and string functions perfectly, preserving the rich biodiversity of its sounds.

Such a comparison may seem unusual. Yet, it exposes the fascinating complexity and interconnectedness of the world around us. So next time you experience the rich harmony of a piano performance, remember, you're listening to something analogous to an intricate, thriving ecosystem. But, we are not done yet – our exploration of piano similarities is far from over.


So, we've seen how the piano is much like a rainforest. Their shared complexity and harmony make for a fascinating comparison. The balance in both is delicate - a single missing species or faulty key can throw everything off. Yet, it's this very complexity and diversity that make them both so captivating. The rich biodiversity of a rainforest is echoed in the wide range of sounds a piano can produce. It's these intricate networks, whether in nature or in music, that remind us of the interconnectedness of the world we live in. The piano, like the rainforest, is a testament to the beauty of complexity and harmony working together.

Harlan Kilstein began playing piano during covid with no piano background at all. He taught himself how to play learning what to do and what not to do.
Today he's an advanced intermediate player and can help you grow in your skills because he learned all this on his own.