We just bought the Sennheiser Momentum 4 wireless headphones, and there’s a lot to like. From the comfort of the padded headband to the crystal-clear sound quality, these headphones are great for long listening sessions. The adaptive noise cancellation is impressive, providing a quiet escape even in noisy environments.

Sennheiser Momentum 4

One of our favorite features is the customizable sound settings through the Sennheiser Smart Control app. You can tweak the audio to match your mood or listening preferences. The battery life is also phenomenal, lasting up to 60 hours on a single charge, which means less time charging and more time enjoying music.

Bottom Line

If you’re looking for high-quality wireless headphones, the Momentum 4 might be the perfect fit. Enjoy top-notch sound, long battery life, and exceptional comfort.

Don't miss out; click here to purchase the Momentum 4 today!

Sennheiser Momentum 4 Wireless Headphones Overview

We've spent some quality time with the Momentum 4 headphones and here's what we found. The first thing that stands out is the sound quality. These headphones deliver rich, clear audio, making music feel incredibly immersive. The adaptive noise cancellation helps block out distractions, so you can stay focused whether you're at work or on a noisy commute.

Comfort is another big plus. They're lightweight and have well-padded ear cups, so we could wear them for hours without any discomfort. The battery life is impressive too, lasting up to 60 hours on a single charge. That's a lot of listening time!

On the flip side, we noticed that the sound leans a bit bass-heavy. While this might be great for bass lovers, others might find it a bit much. The design is also fairly minimalist, which some may not find as stylish as previous models.


  • Exceptional sound quality
  • Long battery life
  • Effective noise cancellation
  • Comfortable for long wear


  • Bass might be overpowering for some
  • Simplistic design might not appeal to everyone

Sennheiser Signature Sound

We were blown away by the sound quality of the Sennheiser Momentum 4. The 42mm transducer system and aptX Adaptive make for some truly amazing audio. Instruments and vocals come through clearly, with a balanced mix that doesn’t overwhelm.

For those who love a lot of bass, these headphones deliver without drowning out the mids and highs. We found the music to be rich and full, making for an immersive listening experience.

On the downside, some songs seemed a bit too bass-heavy, but we adjusted that through the Sennheiser Smart Control App. This app lets us personalize the sound exactly how we like it, which is a fantastic feature.

In terms of clarity, these headphones do not disappoint. Whether you’re listening to classical music or your favorite rock band, you’ll love the depth and detail these headphones bring out.

Smart Control App Customization

We had a lot of fun customizing the Sennheiser Smart Control App. With this app, we got to tweak the sound to fit our taste. The integrated equalizer provided presets and sound modes that made it easy for us to find the perfect balance.

We were able to save our favorite settings, which was handy for switching between different music genres. It was also simple to update the headphones through the app to keep them running smoothly. The app interface was user-friendly, so even those of us that aren’t tech-savvy could navigate it without a hitch.

On the downside, we noticed that the initial setup took a bit of time. Yet, once we got everything up and running, it was smooth sailing. The app greatly enhanced our experience with the Momentum 4, making it well worth the effort.

Adaptive Noise Cancellation & Transparency Mode

When we tried out the Momentum 4, the Adaptive Noise Cancellation impressed us. It blocks out distracting sounds, making it perfect for commutes or busy offices. We felt completely immersed in our music, with no interruptions.

The Transparency Mode also works well. It allows outside sounds in, so we didn’t miss important announcements or conversations. Switching between the two modes was seamless and enhanced our listening experience greatly.

On the flip side, we noticed that adjusting to Transparency Mode could be a bit jumpy at times. Still, this feature provides a fine balance between staying aware of our surroundings and enjoying our music without distractions. Overall, these features make the Momentum 4 a versatile choice for various situations.

Comfort & Design

The Momentum 4 feels light and easy to wear. The headband is padded well, so it doesn’t dig into our heads, even after hours of use. The ear cups fit snugly without being too tight, and the deep cushioning is a bonus.

The folding design makes it convenient to store and carry. We appreciate the sleek look and the overall construction. On the downside, some of us noticed that they can feel a bit warm during long listening sessions.

In short, these headphones blend a cool style with great comfort, making them a solid choice for long-term wear.

Long Battery Life

We were amazed by how long the battery lasted on the Momentum 4. We used the headphones all week without needing to recharge. It really came in handy on long trips and workdays.

The 60-hour battery life gave us full confidence in the Momentum 4’s performance. No rushing to find a charger or worrying about the battery dying mid-song.

However, we did notice it took about 2 hours to recharge fully. It’s a minor inconvenience but something to keep in mind if you're in a rush.

Overall, the long battery life makes these headphones a reliable choice for anyone who needs extended listening time.

Call Quality

We’ve been using the Momentum 4 Wireless Headphones for a few weeks now, and the call quality is impressive. Voices come through crisp and clear, making it easy to understand each other even in bustling environments. We’ve tried making calls both indoors and outdoors, and the adaptive noise cancellation does an excellent job of reducing background noise.

On the downside, the built-in microphones sometimes pick up wind noise when you’re outside, but it’s minor and doesn’t seriously affect the conversation. The overall clarity during calls is a standout feature, and we’ve received positive feedback from the people on the other end.

In short, these headphones provide a pleasant calling experience that matches their reputation for audio quality.

Pros and Cons


One of the best things about these headphones is the sound quality. The audio is rich and clear, with a nice balance of highs and lows. We were impressed by how crisp and detailed everything sounded, especially when listening to various genres of music. The Adaptive Noise Cancellation feature is also excellent, allowing us to stay focused without background noise interfering.

The comfort level of these headphones is another big plus. They are lightweight, foldable, and come with deeply cushioned ear pads, making long listening sessions easy on the ears. With up to 60 hours of battery life, we didn’t have to worry about constantly recharging them, which is a huge convenience.

Another standout feature is the customizable sound. Using the Sennheiser Smart Control app, we could easily tweak the sound settings to match our preferences. Whether you like more bass or crisper treble, the flexibility here is fantastic.

For those who use headphones for calls, the four digital beamforming microphones ensure our voice was clear and free from wind noise. This made conversations smooth and hassle-free.


Despite the many positives, there are a few drawbacks. The styling update from the previous model might not be to everyone’s taste. Some of us found the new design less appealing compared to the old one.

While the sound is generally very good, it can lean towards being a bit too bass-heavy for some listeners. If you prefer a more neutral sound profile, this could be a slight letdown.

The noise cancellation is effective but not perfect. We noticed that very loud sounds could still penetrate, which might be disruptive in very noisy environments.

Lastly, the price might be a bit steep for some. While the quality justifies the cost, it’s still a significant investment. If you’re on a tight budget, you might need to think twice before making the purchase.

Customer Reviews

We've had the chance to use the Momentum 4 ourselves, and it's clear that many customers share our thoughts. Most users praise the top-notch sound quality and impressive battery life. These headphones are especially favored for their adaptive noise cancellation, which works wonders in noisy environments.

On the flip side, a few users felt the design wasn't as stylish compared to previous models, but they agreed it makes up for it in comfort. Some also mentioned the sound might be a bit heavy on the bass for their taste. Overall, with a rating of 4.1 out of 5 and almost 4,800 reviews, it’s clear that the Momentum 4 has a lot of very happy users.


Using the Momentum 4 Wireless Headphones has been a comfortable and impressive experience. The adaptive noise cancellation works wonders in noisy environments, letting us focus on our music or calls without distractions. The 60-hour battery life is incredibly convenient, meaning fewer charges and more listening time.

On the flip side, the sound might be a bit too bass-heavy for some, potentially overwhelming the mids and highs. The design change from Momentum 3 to 4 might not be to everyone’s taste, though we found them comfortable for extended wear.

Overall, these headphones blend great sound quality and long battery life. If you're okay with the bass emphasis and design, the Momentum 4 is a strong contender.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the improvements over the Momentum 3 in the latest model?

The Momentum 4 brings some great upgrades compared to the Momentum 3. The most noticeable change is the battery life; now, we can enjoy up to 60 hours of playback, which is almost double what we got before. The noise cancellation has also been enhanced to keep outside disturbances at bay. Comfort-wise, the redesigned headband and ear pads make a significant difference, making these headphones perfect for long listening sessions.

How does the sound quality of Momentum 4 compare to Sony WH-1000XM5?

Both the Momentum 4 and the Sony WH-1000XM5 are top-tier when it comes to sound quality, but they do have their differences. The Momentum 4 offers a slightly more balanced and natural sound, which can be adjusted via the Sennheiser Smart Control App. On the other hand, the Sony model provides a punchier bass. So, if you prefer a more neutral sound profile, the Momentum 4 might be the better choice for you.

Can the Momentum 4 handle exposure to rain or moisture?

While the Momentum 4 does not carry an official IP rating for water resistance, they can handle light rain or a bit of sweat without any issues. We wouldn't recommend using them in heavy downpours or exposing them to continuous moisture, though. It's always a good idea to err on the side of caution to ensure longevity.

Are there any known sound leakage issues with the Momentum 4 headphones?

From our experience, the Momentum 4 performs well in terms of sound leakage. They do a great job of keeping the music in, so you can listen at higher volumes without disturbing people around you. However, like most over-ear headphones, a bit of sound might escape at maximum volume, but nothing too noticeable during regular use.

What has been the audiophile community's response to Momentum 4's audio performance?

The audiophile community has generally responded positively to the Momentum 4’s audio performance. Many appreciate the clear, detailed sound and the customizable settings through the Sennheiser Smart Control App. Some audiophiles noted that the headphones are a little bass-heavy, but this can be adjusted to personal preferences. Overall, the audio quality has impressed many listeners who value precision and clarity in their sound.

How long is the battery life on a full charge for the Momentum 4?

One of the standout features of the Momentum 4 is its impressive battery life. We can get up to 60 hours of playback time on a full charge. This means fewer interruptions for charging and more time enjoying music, calls, and other audio content. Plus, the fast-charging capability is a handy feature if you ever find yourself needing a quick boost.

Based on my own personal experience, these headphones make music come alive! Buy a pair now.

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Harlan Kilstein began playing piano during covid with no piano background at all. He taught himself how to play learning what to do and what not to do.
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