Let's picture this:

You are buying a new keyboard and learning piano; now you are looking for the best beginner keyboard options around.

Millions of brands are working day and night in the innovation and creativity of keyboard designs. But actually, only three stand out: Roland, Casio, and Yamaha.

You probably wandering in the market, and every other seller is trying to convince you the keyboard piano in front of you is the best! But who makes the best Keyboards for beginners?

Choosing the best keyboard, especially when you are a beginner keyboard player, is very crucial. And most importantly, it depends on your preferences and the reason behind your purchase.

Let us get you started with each spec to give you a closer idea about which brand you should go for.

Yamaha Keyboards: Do They Make a Good Beginner Keyboard?

Currently, Yamaha is globally known as the largest manufacturer of the piano. They have diversified the digital piano range broadly. The most astonishing part about their product is that they have excelled in every criterion you would expect from a traditional piano manufacturer.

Yamaha has launched a range of acoustic piano with the latest modern and digital piano features in a hybrid called "TransAcoustic." In this category, Yamaha is not only a leader but a trendsetter: an innovational benchmark for making acoustic grand piano.

However, speaking about the new voices, electric piano sounds, organ sounds, revolutionary technology, and art synthesizers, Yamaha is not very well-positioned. Yamaha has lost some of its regular customers for being too conservative.

If you visit a store with a display of synthesizers, you will hardly locate Yamaha keyboards because they are the most sober-looking ones. The montage line is impressive, but its display is more like an ordinary keyboard piano than a synthesizer.

Significant Highlights of Yamaha Keyboards You May Not to Miss

  • Entry-level Yamaha portable weighted keyboard is sensitive and very easy to understand with 'keys to success' lessons, AUX-in, USB styles, weighted keys, etc., but they are not appealing to beginners.
  • Yamaha stage keyboards are best for those playing piano live with great grand piano sound. They are all-in-one solutions requiring little to no extra processing.
  • Synthesizer is like unknown territory for Yamaha; it is not meant to be made for synthesizers due to its extensive DAW capabilities.
  • Yamaha offers one of the best arrangers of digital piano workstations in terms of affordability, rhythms, sound quality, sustain pedal, and music rest.
  • Many users say that Yamaha is a great manufacturer of midi keyboard with all essential features making them like a real piano.

Reasons for Choosing Yamaha Keyboards for Beginners?

According to experts, Yamaha is not a beginner's treat. It is the world's best brand with 88 keys, variations of an acoustic piano, and that massive ground sounds, though.

Still, it is not a synthesized brand and doesn't produce impressive keyboards for beginners. However, they are known to make the best midi keyboard to learn piano.

Casio Keyboards: Do They Make Good Beginner Keyboard?

Many people specializing in playing digital piano are very fond of Casio. If you had some keyboard piano lessons at school from piano teachers, you might have a Casio one. Unlike Yamaha, Casio does not produce acoustic instruments.

Undoubtedly, Casio is pretty famous for making beginner keyboards globally. The favorite Casio CTK series is in the heart of many who play piano due to its first black-and-white music creation tool. Imagine the brand's popularity for beginner keyboards, that they have designated a section for beginners.

The question might arise: Why sit with CTK when you can have an acoustic piano?

The answer is: CTK is way more fun than playing an acoustic piano.

That is the main reason behind the success of the Casio: they make the most affordable and beginner keyboards packed with fun features for children, helping them learn quickly and easily.

Moreover, they have flooded the industry with the perfect products to help people learn how to play the piano lessons and started building their brand there. Like, if you are learning music, you should be able to read through sheet music that you can prop on a keyboard stand. Casio will always remain the best beginner keyboards.

Significant Highlights of Casio Keyboards

  • Casio portable digital piano sound have gained the most popularity and recognition due to their touch sensitive keys and weighted keys and not being too pricey – a complete workhouse and virtually indestructible.
  • Casio workstations are considered suitable in this category due to their allowance of recording SDHC cards and featuring other valuable aspects like sustain pedal and music rest for sheet music.
  • The Casio stage piano keyboard range is an incursion in the industry that Yamaha long owns. The player interface is uncanny with the intuitive flow and massive touch screen and touch sensitive keys.

Reasons to Buy Casio Piano Keyboards for Beginners?

If you are a beginner or packed on a budget, Casio keyboards are a suitable pick. Casio keyboards are reliable, fun, and sturdy. If you are looking for a reasonable keyboard for your kids or want to learn keyboard playing from a piano teacher, look for the Casio pianos.

In addition, Celviano, AP-series, and Privia are dedicated to wooden stands that are pretty good weighted keyboard for beginners. If you are looking for keyboards at a fraction of the price and reliability, Casio is the best beginner keyboard, but in terms of sound, Casio cannot match other brands.

Roland Keyboards: Do They Make Good Beginner Keyboard?

Believe it or not: Roland is solely responsible for setting a generation's benchmark for musical instruments. Though it is comparatively new in the digital piano manufacturing industry, they have made the user interface more straightforward and focused on creating nano and micro technologies, making it easy to practice with different piano techniques.

Furthermore, Roland is the newest and smallest in the industry, with less than 5,000 employees globally. That being said, it is the only company to manufacture musical instruments. They have been producing the keyboards with the necessary features like sustain pedal, excellent sound quality, and dance music mode.

All the Roland keyboards have one significant characteristic: they are high-end. But on the other hand, they are costly. Still, there is no comparison to its magnificent sound. In addition, Roland is also known as a cutting-edge innovator in R&D.

Significant Highlights of Roland Piano Keyboard

  • Speaking about the portable Roland keyboards, perhaps it is the weakest point of these digital pianos. They are not specialized in manufacturing the best beginner keyboards.
  • The starter line keyboard series manufactured by Roland is way too much as a beginner keyboard; it is a good upgrade for experts from another brand, though.
  • The user interface and teaching abilities of these keyboards cannot make it through for beginners; at the same time, these digital pianos are fun to use.
  • The workstation E-series of Roland comprise of built-in sound system with excellent sound. For instance, Roland E-09 has a boosted 64-voice polyphony and excellent audio build quality like a real piano.
  • The most popular Roland stage learning piano is Roland RD-2000; it is an art powerhouse and an ever-evolving one with a dual sound engine.
  • The Roland keyboards are lightweight, have non-weighted keys, and are affordable.
  • Hands down, Roland has manufactured one of the best synthesizers, Roland Jupiter X, regarding the user interface; however, they are not beginner keyboards.

Why Buy Roland Keyboards for Beginners?

If you are an accomplished keyboard player searching for new and powerful sounds and impeccable craftsmanship, Roland keyboards are for you. Roland must be a pick for someone ready to spend extra bucks to get a modern keyboard.

Casio, Roland, or Yamaha? The Final Verdict for a Beginner Keyboard?

The question seems straightforward, but isn't it getting trickier than thought? Which brand manufactures the best keyboards for beginners?

Every brand manufacturer consistently tries to outdo the other two but maintains its market importance and retains a position in a market segment of its own.

To begin with, if you are looking for an expensive, good, state-of-the-art keyboard to play at home quickly, then Yamaha keyboards should be your pick. They play impressive, sober, and the closest one will get to an actual keyboard without breaking the bank. Also, they are considered the best piano keyboard makers if you are fond of a jazz piano keyboard.

However, Casio owns the best section of beginner keyboards and is continuously working to introduce new models in the market, like Celviano and Privia lines. The act is not based on competing with other brands but on providing unique-sound and budget-friendly choices for people who cannot afford the real deal.

At the same time, Roland keyboards are made for those looking for a modern and traditional piano with millions of the latest features to be as creative as they want. They are the best producers of synthesizers globally. They are good, however, not cheap, and don't offer the sound as good as Yamaha.

Thus, the choice entirely depends on your preferences and what you are looking for in your ideal beginner keyboard pick. And most importantly, what is your budget? So, make your decision wisely, and enjoy playing with keys and learning piano.

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Harlan Kilstein began playing piano during covid with no piano background at all. He taught himself how to play learning what to do and what not to do.
Today he's an advanced intermediate player and can help you grow in your skills because he learned all this on his own.