Yamaha EZ300 61-Key Portable Keyboard with Lighted Keys and PA130 Power Adapter There's something captivating about the soft glow of keys in a dimly lit room that invites you to create music, and our experience with the Yamaha EZ300 has been just that - inviting. As beginners taking our first steps into the world of keyboards, the lighted keys have been a revelation, guiding our fingers to the right notes and making learning incredibly intuitive.

We found the “Keys to Success” feature especially useful, allowing us to tackle songs piece by piece, at a pace that suits us. It's like having a patient teacher by your side, waiting for you to get it right. Even with minimal experience, we were making music in no time!


The lessons on dynamics offered by the "Touch Tutor" mode brought a new dimension to our play, teaching us the subtlety of soft and loud, which we loved. Additionally, the Smart Chord and accompaniment styles have opened up a world where we can have a full backing band at our fingertips, making us feel like we're leading our own mini-orchestra.

Bottom Line

The Yamaha EZ300 is more than just a keyboard - it's a musical companion that grows with you, from your first timid note to confident, full-blown performances.

If you're looking to embark on your own musical journey, this could be the perfect starting point.

Ready to light up your musical path? Click here to get your hands on the Yamaha EZ300 and start your journey today!

Yamaha EZ300 61-Key Portable Keyboard Overview

When we got our hands on the Yamaha EZ300, the first thing that struck us was its elegant silver-white finish which definitely catches the eye. This lightweight and compact keyboard boasts touch-sensitive, lighted keys which make learning to play much less daunting. Yamaha has designed this model with beginners in mind, providing a suite of educational features like the Keys to Success and Touch Tutor modes, which help beginners understand the dynamics of piano playing step-by-step.

The EZ300 isn't just about the basics though. It comes loaded with a staggering 622 instrument voices that include actual samples of a grand piano. The sounds are convincing and add to the enjoyment, whether you're just practicing or trying out your own compositions. The Smart Chord feature is particularly handy for those of us who want to add depth to our music without having gotten the hang of complex chord structures yet.

Sometimes, playing alone can feel a bit lonely, so the accompaniment styles are a welcome addition that act like a backing band. We've had a lot of fun experimenting with these - they're surprisingly versatile and supportive of different music genres. It's been great seeing progress by incorporating these dynamic styles into practice sessions and performances.

Even though the EZ300 is packed with features, we should note that its speakers might not be powerful enough for large or noisy spaces. In such cases, you might want to connect it to an external sound system. That aside, we've found the EZ300 to be a fantastic tool for budding pianists looking to polish their skills on an intuitive and friendly instrument.

Touch-Sensitive Lighted Keys

When we first laid our hands on the keys, the immediate standout feature was their touch sensitivity. It's a game-changer for beginners as each key lights up, guiding you through your learning process. The response to touch is well-calibrated, allowing for a dynamic playing experience that emulates the feel of an acoustic piano.

What's particularly helpful is the visual feedback these lighted keys provide. As we played, the illumination helped us correct our finger placement, which is invaluable when you're starting out and not yet used to the key positions. However, it's not all glowing reviews here; the visual aid might be distracting for some, especially when transitioning to a traditional keyboard without lighted keys.

In essence, the touch-sensitive lighted keys are a feature that bridges the gap between novice enthusiasm and developing skill. Although seasoned players might find them unnecessary, for anyone at the beginning of their musical journey, they're a supportive tool that can make practice sessions both effective and fun.

Yamaha EZ300 61-Key Portable Keyboard with Lighted Keys and PA130 Power Adapter

Lesson Modes

When we got our hands on the EZ300, we quickly discovered the joy and challenges of its lesson modes. The lighted keys are incredibly helpful, especially for beginners like us who sometimes struggle to remember note placements. They light up to show the correct notes, which is a fantastic visual aid for learning new pieces.

We found the "Keys to Success" mode particularly useful, as it allows us to tackle songs in manageable sections at a pace comfortable for us. Progressing through a song step-by-step made the learning experience a lot less intimidating.

"Touch Tutor" became one of our favorites for developing a feel for the keyboard's dynamics. It's one thing to hit the right notes, but another to master the strength of each keystroke. This mode provides valuable feedback on our playing velocity, adding a layer of nuance to our performances.

Although we all aren't virtuosos, the "Smart Chord" feature made us feel like we could be. Playing complicated jazz chords with just a few fingers gave us a sense of accomplishment and inspired us to explore more diverse musical styles.

And if you ever want to feel like you're leading a band, the accompaniment styles are a blast. These modes add a backing band to our playing, which made our rendition of favorite tunes both full and lively, while still keeping us in control of the chords and arrangement. The lesson modes strike a balance between fun and education, enhancing our playing experience without overwhelming us.

Smart Chord Function

We've had the opportunity to get our hands on the EZ300's Smart Chord feature and honestly, it's impressive how it simplifies the process of playing chords. Even if you're new to playing the keyboard, with Smart Chord, a single finger can produce complex harmony that sounds like it's coming from a seasoned player. We found it particularly enjoyable that you don't have to memorize various chord structures to start with; you can dive into playing accompaniments almost immediately.

However, it's worth noting that while this feature is fantastic for beginners and getting quick results, it might not offer the depth required by more advanced players who wish to explore and experiment with chords on their own. But in our experience, for anyone who's playing more casually or just starting their musical journey, the Smart Chord function on the EZ300 is a genuine advantage. It allows us to focus less on the technicalities and more on the enjoyment of making music.

Accompaniment Styles

We've ordered two of the EZ300, and one of the aspects we found really fun to play with was the Accompaniment Styles feature. It truly gives you the feeling of having a backing band at your fingertips. Whether you're going for a pop vibe or something with a jazz flair, the keyboard's got you covered. We tried playing a few chords, and with just minimal effort, we got these lush accompaniments that made our simple melodies sound rich and full.

This isn't a mere digital replication; the chord progressions sound authentic and the transitions are impressively smooth. What stood out for us was the control we had—switching up the arrangements or changing chords didn't interrupt the flow. However, if you’re looking for ultra-specific genre accompaniments, the options can feel a bit limited. Still, for spontaneous jam sessions or adding a polished sound to your performances, this feature is a win. It's not perfect, but it certainly elevates the playing experience.

Pros and Cons


After spending some time with the Yamaha EZ300, we noticed a handful of features that really made our experience enjoyable. The lighted keys are a standout, making it a breeze for us to start playing and learning new songs right away, especially helpful for beginners. We appreciated the Keys to Success lesson mode, which offers a self-paced learning experience, allowing us to grasp songs piece by piece.

The Touch Tutor lesson mode is a neat addition, too. It gave us insight into the dynamics of playing, since it reacts to the strength with which the keys are hit. We were also having fun with the Smart Chord feature that turned our modest efforts into impressive-sounding chords with minimal finger gymnastics – fantastic for newbies aiming to sound more sophisticated.

And, with Accompaniment Styles, we felt like we had our own backup band, jazzing up practice sessions and making the learning process more engaging.


On the flip side, while the keyboard offers a robust set of features, experienced musicians may find the 61-Key range a bit limiting for more complex pieces. Although we could play most of the stuff we wanted to, those used to full 88-key pianos might miss the extra notes.

Though loud, the built-in speakers may not satisfy everyone. While we found them decent for personal practice, in larger rooms, or for performances, one might need to hook up external speakers.

Lastly, while the educational features are top-notch, those who are already familiar with playing may not find them as useful. Yes, they are great for beginners and intermediates, but seasoned players might not benefit as much from these learning tools.

To sum up, we had a real blast with the Yamaha EZ300. It's friendly to newcomers, offers a solid array of features, and has that signature Yamaha build quality. Yet, it's worth considering the keyboard's range and on-board speaker volume depending on your skill level and intended use.

Design and Portability

When we first got our hands on the EZ300, its sleek silver-white finish immediately caught our eye. It's one of those pieces that don't just blend in; it enhances the space it's in. Weighing just over 15 pounds, it's not the lightest keyboard out there, but we found it portable enough to take from home to practice sessions without any hassle.

One of the coolest design features has to be the lighted keys. They're not only touch-sensitive, which adds an authentic piano feel, but they also light up to guide you through songs. This is a godsend for beginners like us, making learning those tricky new tunes less daunting.

Although it's a bit too bulky to be considered ultra-portable, we reckon its features make up for that. It doesn't feel like a toy; there's a sturdy feel to it that gives us confidence it can handle being moved around. The integrated lessons and variety of sounds mean we've been playing non-stop, barely noticing how quickly time flies. It's become quite a favorite for evening jams and laid-back learning sessions.

I bought a padded case for this product and it traveled well internationally. I think the case weighed more than the keyboard LOL!

Customer Reviews

We've been noticing a trend of sheer satisfaction among folks who've picked up the EZ300. Many describe it as a hit for both novice and intermediate keyboard enthusiasts. The light-up keys are a standout feature, especially for beginners eager to learn new songs without the steep learning curve. What surprises us is even seasoned musicians seem to give it a nod for its impressive feature set and sound quality.

Some of us are new to playing keyboards, and we agree that the EZ300 is encouragingly user-friendly. Starting something new at any age can be daunting, and this keyboard seems to understand that, making the learning process engaging and less intimidating.

From our experience, the robust sound from the speakers complements the authentic feel of the instrument sounds. And for learners, included perks like the free flowkey subscription offer a solid value-add, propelling users to dive into music education. There's a sense of durability and quality that resonates with us, echoing the trustworthiness of the Yamaha brand.

Yes, it's as good as they say – a keyboard that feels like it's been designed with real users in mind, balancing quality, features, and the joy of music-making.


Wrapping up our experience with the Yamaha EZ300, it's easy to see why it's a hit with both beginners and intermediate players. We especially love how the light-up keys assist in learning songs, a feature that's as helpful as it is entertaining. While navigating through the vast array of sounds and learning modes, we found the keyboard is capable of providing a rich learning experience for newbies and enough advanced options for seasoned users to enjoy.

The sound quality didn't disappoint; it's what you'd expect from a brand as reputable as Yamaha, clear and robust. The built-in speakers have a powerful output, making practice sessions a delight without needing external equipment. We appreciate the free flowkey offer, although you'll have to stay on top of the promotional details.

Sturdiness? Check. Quality? Absolutely. The build feels durable, meaning you can expect longevity from this piece of equipment. While we revelled in the authenticity of the instrument sounds, some of us have taken a particular shine to the learning features, noting how they refine our playing skills.

Some minor cons include a learning curve for completely new users, but that's a given with any musical instrument. Overall, the Yamaha EZ300 stands out as a well-rounded investment for anyone looking to embark on a musical journey or enhance their existing skills.

I have purchased two of these Keyboards already and the sound is exceptional. Order yours today



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Harlan Kilstein began playing piano during covid with no piano background at all. He taught himself how to play learning what to do and what not to do.
Today he's an advanced intermediate player and can help you grow in your skills because he learned all this on his own.