Piano playing can be a rewarding experience but starting out can seem overwhelming. If you’re a beginner, fret not! Here you will find Piano Playing Tips for Beginners which have been designed to help make your journey easier and more comfortable. From understanding the basics of the piano keys to more advanced techniques that you can use to take your skills closer to mastery, this blog post has it all. So if you're ready to get started on your piano journey, strap in and let us take off!

Practice scales, chords, and arpeggios daily

The first step in your learning experience begins with practice:

  1. It would help if you learned your way around the keyboard.
  2. You must ensure that your daily practice sessions last at least twenty minutes.
  3. During a practice session, you must remember to do the following:
  • The first step in the learning process of playing piano is to understand the scales. You must learn to differentiate between the 12 scales in piano music.
    When you play piano, you must learn to master the c major scale, as this is the basis of music theory.
  • For beginner pianists, starting with C significant scales with the left hand and then using both hands together is essential. It would help if you started playing C major scale in parallel and contrary motion when you have mastered this.
  • When you have mastered your scales, you must learn to play the chords and the arpeggios. This will increase your practice time and make the sessions interesting for beginning pianists.

When you learn piano, it is essential to enjoy playing, and when you start enjoying your practice time, you will find that you can learn how to play the piano quickly. Sometimes students feel that learning the chord structure can be complex, but you can learn it quickly if you start slowly and play the piano regularly.

Learn to play the notes

Your piano teacher will tell you that the next step in playing the piano is to learn to play the notes. When you learn a song, ensure that you follow the correct order: notes, fingering, rhythms, expression, and speed.

When you practice the notes on the keyboard as a beginner pianist, you should start practicing at half speed and then increase the tempo. It would be best if you practiced notes on the keyboard while playing piano.

You need to develop an ear for the notes to identify when you play a wrong note on the piano while playing the piano. One of the great tips that your piano teacher can give you when you play the piano is that correct notes can be played only with the correct fingering.

When you play music on the piano, you must consider the notes adding to the melody because it adds to the expressive elements indicated in the music. The correct notes will create crescendos or dimuendos, ritardando, staccato and sforzando.

Thus, when you practice playing the piano, you must concentrate on playing the correct notes with a consistent tempo.

Avoid sitting in the wrong way when you play piano.

Maintaining the correct posture is essential when you play the piano. Sometimes when you try to play complex musical notes, or you are trying to reach the black keys at the far end of the piano, you should not bend yourself in such a manner that you damage your posture. Here is what you should remember about your posture:

  • While playing the instrument, maintaining a good posture is essential; hence, while practicing, position your stool so that you can reach the keyboard quickly and all keys are within your reach.
  • When you practice playing the piano, you must remember to keep your forearms at the same level as the keyboard. While playing the instrument, if you have to keep moving your arms far apart to reach the keys, you will find it challenging to play the songs.
  • You must develop a technique that suits you when maintaining a posture. Most pianists believe that the best posture is keeping your back straight and using your right hand to play most of the keys. With practice, you can quickly develop a technique that suits you perfectly.

You must practice maintaining the best posture while playing the keyboard right from the beginning. As you continue practicing, you will avoid developing bad habits, and it will become easier to play the instrument.

Learn how to do sight reading

An essential part of learning to play the piano is sight reading. Sight reading means reading and playing a song you've never played before without preparation or practice.

Several sight reading books are available in the market, and you can purchase one to test your ability to sight read. You need to develop a knowledge of understanding sheet music to do sight reading.

When you can do sight reading successfully, you will know that you have developed a thorough knowledge of music theory.

This is necessary because if you are placed in a performance and have not practiced a particular piece of music before, sight reading is necessary to play the notes successfully.

Among the many tips that expert pianists will give you, they will tell you that sight reading plays a crucial role because it helps build your confidence. You will know that you can play the instrument even if you are faced with a piece of music you have not played before.

This is essential to prove your instrument expertise and your understanding of music.

Developing muscle memory with practice

Practice is necessary to ensure you learn to play the keyboard continuously without concentrating on the instrument. For example, if you have observed a professional pianist play the grand piano, you might have observed that he sometimes plays with his eyes closed. He has achieved this level of perfection with practice.

Since the beginning, he trained himself to understand the sound of the keyboards and the individual keys. This helps him to identify the individual note and subsequently develop muscle memory. As a result, he can play the keyboard without consulting the sheet music all the time.

You, too, need to develop this capacity or memory, which can be achieved only through practice. You will develop muscle memory for the keys with particular notes as you practice playing the same music repeatedly.

Training your ear to understand music

You must train your ear to identify the chords and the gaps in the music. So when it comes to tips for playing the piano, an essential part of it is developing a musical ear.

This is necessary to ensure that you can identify the chords, rhythms, notes, and gaps in the chords. When you can identify these, you can easily play the music.

When you train your ear to identify the music, you also train it to identify the mistakes. This is essential to ensure that you refrain from repeating it.

For example, when you practice playing the piano, you will have to train your ear to understand the music played. This is also essential to understand the differences between the different musical pieces.

Practice playing songs

When you play a song on the piano, you must concentrate on the individual notes. This is because a single note you play wrong can completely change the tune, and the song will sound different. Hence each note has to be played carefully, and when you practice playing a song, you must concentrate on all notes with equal attention.

To learn classical music, you must practice playing songs with classical notes. As a beginner, you will find it challenging to master the eighth notes in a musical sheet. This is especially true in the case of classical sheet music.

However, with practice, you can master the white notes and then move on to the black notes. This will make it easier for you to play songs on the piano. In addition, playing songs will make learning to play the piano fun, and you will start to enjoy the process.

Pianists often mention that to make students interested in playing a keyboard, it is a good idea to help them learn to play a whole song on the instrument.

It helps them get a sense of achievement and keeps them interested in playing the piano. One of the easiest ways to do it would be to introduce yourself to new music and have fun learning it. You will learn a new song and keep playing the keyboard.

Play easy passages and then move to difficult ones

When you are learning to play the piano, you need practice time and to first learn to play easy passages before moving to difficult ones. Getting control over your fingers is essential to learning to play the instrument. Hence, it is essential to understand that you must learn your way around the keyboard. When you practice playing easy passages, here is what you will get to understand about the instrument:

  • First, you will learn the manipulation of your wrist, which is essential to playing complex pieces.
    You do not want to stretch your hands to play the intricate pieces, so you must learn how to play the simple pieces at varying tempos. This can help you control your finger movements and wrist better.
  • When you learn to manipulate your wrist better, you will find that your hands do not get fatigued even when you play complex pieces and piano for a longer period.
  • When playing a simple passage, you must look through the sheet music and find the most complex part. While playing the instrument, you must visualize yourself playing the complex parts without making a single error. When it comes to piano playing tips for beginners, this might seem a bit unusual, but it is pretty helpful.
    When you visualize yourself playing the problematic part of an easy passage without any error, you will find it easier to master the technique.

The primary reason behind mastering the easy passages is that when you get to the difficult ones, you will have to learn to hold the notes, move from one note to another and play complete songs in a single sitting. Hence, learning to manipulate your hands, fingers, and wrists is essential to quickly mastering the keyboard technique.

Avoid expecting too much of yourself.

Unless you are born talented, it takes time to master playing the piano. You will have to progress from one note to another. According to the tips provided by expert pianists, it is wrong to expect too much from yourself.

You are not a piano virtuoso; hence, you will have to expect slow progress. You must wait to become an expert pianist. Therefore, it is essential to keep your expectations within the accepted limits.

You must listen to your teacher and follow his instructions carefully. It is important to practice regularly, but sometimes your progress will be slow.

However, you can become an expert pianist in time with slow practice. Therefore, you need to be patient while learning to play the keyboard.

There are several things that you need to learn about the instruments, and it is not just the keys. You will have to learn how to hold the notes, manipulate the pedals, and play complex notes on a simple keyboard.

This takes time; hence, you must be patient while playing the piano.


When you learn to play the piano, having fun and enjoying the entire process is essential. Of all the tips that expert pianists provide, the most important is to enjoy learning to play the instrument. You must be careful about being slow in learning to play the instrument.

This will help build a strong foundation necessary to play complex musical pieces. If you want to become an expert pianist, you will have to play complex pieces, and you can learn this only with time and patience. Therefore, enjoying, practicing, and having fun while playing the instrument is essential.

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Harlan Kilstein began playing piano during covid with no piano background at all. He taught himself how to play learning what to do and what not to do.
Today he's an advanced intermediate player and can help you grow in your skills because he learned all this on his own.